Alexa Loves AYA’s: Tacky

I have a special edition of Alexa Loves AYA’s for you.


I was really, uh, I guess you could say “inspired” (cough) by a story I heard this week. It was a combination of cancer, ignorance, and sheer hilarity. Something we (and serious/chronic illness) know all too well. I picked out a song that was just as silly as those encounters are. It is Tacky by “Weird Al” Yankovic.

I want to call out those comments for what they are: TACKY! Easy Cancer? Tacky! You’re Lazy? Tacky! My Granny died from that? Tacky! Want this one weird trick in your DM’s that cures your cancer/illness? Tacky! Sending flowers and a 3 page letter to guilt a cancer patient? SUPER TACKY!! Just to name a few!

Unfortunately, I can’t take away these comments from you as much as I would like to for the both of us. But I CAN try to make you laugh and remember this song when they come! When people make comments that are usually hurtful or ignorant at the very least, please remember they are just as tacky the lyrics in this song AND the music video.

I want to hear about YOUR tacky comments/experiences! Let me know on Social Media or here on the blog.

Thanks for tuning in to this edition of Alexa Loves AYA’s and spending part of your evening with me. Feel free to send a link or tag on social media if a loved one needs to hear this. I look forward to dedicating another song to you and expressing my more of heart next week! I can’t wait to visit with you again, dear friend.

5 thoughts on “Alexa Loves AYA’s: Tacky

  1. How do you make these cool little graphics you post? They are super cute. 🙂 Oh, and Friday I have my 3rd or 4th (can’t even freaking remember) FNA on my “thyroid”. Fingers crossed this time they can get a sample that’s diagnosable and we can find out what this “growing” thing is!


    1. I did graphic design in high school! I make them all myself on my laptop. If you need a template that you can just add text on, I can make you one! ❤️

      I hope all goes well with the biopsy and they figure out what’s going on!


      1. I was homeschooled so I had a lot of flexibility 😉 I also completely all my genetic genealogy/genealogy training before I graduated. If you ever need anything for your blog, let me know!


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